Quality is our priority. We’re dedicated to delivering excellence, continuously improving process and exceeding expectations. Trust us for unwavering commitment to quality in every project.
Setpoint Engineering Limited an engineering contracting company specialized in electrical, mechanical, civil industrial installation of equipment, pipe fitting and welding, thermal insulation, fire protection system, labour supply; aim to supply and deliver exceptional services using competent, skilled, experienced Engineers, Technicians and other Employees to fulfil our contractual obligations, to meet the requirements of our interested parties, and exceed our Customers’ expectations by continually improving our approach and processes.
To achieve this, we shall:
Establish and implement a management system according to ISO 9001:2015
Comply with all applicable regulatory, statutory requirements relating to our business activities and with other requirements to which our organization subscribes including international standards such as the ISO 9001:2015 standard.
Provide a frame work for establishing and reviewing key objectives and metrics.
Communicate the policy to all Staff and ensure it’s understood by all.
Be committed to continual improvement of the Quality Management System and effectively utilizing resources.
This policy shall be reviewed at least annually by the management in order to ensure that it is current, suitable and relevant to the company’s business activities.
The management is committed to the Quality Policy which is owned and endorsed by the Board of Directors. Responsibility for the successful implementation of this programme belongs to every employee at each level and function in the organization.